Ellie New

In the past few years, my work has pivoted from art curation to climate work.

So far, I've focused on creating educational tools and engaging communities with resource-efficient decarbonization initiatives (thermal energy networks). 

Moving forward, I plan to dig deeper into work that builds environmental and community resilience. I’m interested to learn more about community-led planning, urban design, and climate storytelling.

In the arts, my projects and research have centered environmental narratives, interdisciplinary art practices, and curatorial activism. Through this work, I’ve witnessed how connecting artists with communities can catalyze the kinds of critical conversation and collective dreaming that can help us envision more equitable, joyful futures.

I grew up in Vermont’s Mad River Valley and am currently based in Charlotte, NC. I’ve also spent time living and learning in New York City; Cambridge, MA; Florence, Italy; and Burlington, VT.


Curatorial Research ︎ Ongoing

Environmental Art Research ︎︎︎

Exhibition & Publication ︎ 2020-2021
WetLab Curatorial Fellowship ︎︎︎

Event Series ︎ 2021

Press Your Ear to the Wind ︎︎︎

NYU Gallatin Colloquium ︎ 2020

Art for Our Sake ︎︎︎

Write to me at: enew302@gmail.com

Instagram: @enew302

Charlotte, NC